July 2018
The female bear with 4 cubs seen during June in the S. Giovanni al Monte area (Arco) was seen again at the end of July in the southern part of Brenta mountains, area from which she moved at the end of spring. Considering the several online articles that indicate her in other areas in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, we take the occasion to specify that she is currently in Trentino and she never moved to different regions.
Other evidences of bear presence came from about all the areas of bear presence. Moreover, some predations by bear upon livestock occurred especially in the area of Giudicarie, cases which created some alarmism among the residents. The Forest and Wildlife Service is working on damage prevention and management, and is trying to capture the bears present in the area to fit them with GPS collars and check their movements. The brown bear is not an aggressive animal and, in most of the encounters with people,quickly run away; however, in some circumstances, it can show aggressive behaviors due to the instinct to protect itself and its cubs (e.g. close encounters with a female bear with cubs). The brown bear is a wild animal and like a wild animal, thus, it has to be treated. We recommend to follow the indications about the correct behaviors to keep in case of bear encounter:
Here below is the updated map of all the evidences of female bears with cub in the territory:
The wolves are moving within their stable areas of presence as well. A new datum is the evidence of a wolf, documented by several videos, wandering in the Passo del Tonale area. During July, several cases of wolf predation upon livestock occurred, for which the Forest and Wildlife Service is working both to pay for compensations and to provide prevention measures. During this period, some specific fences were realized and set within a new pilot project aimed to the protection of young cattle. The new fences were set in Val di Fiemme, Val Lagarina and Val di Non.
Photo: image of a wolf from a camera trap set in the Lessina mountains (Trentino) - 2018. T. Borghetti - Archivio Servizio Foreste e fauna PAT.

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