April 2018
Brown bears have started to move more frequently in the territory, all of them are now active and many evidences of bear sightings or track findings or damages to human activities have been recorded. Evidences especially come from the Rendena Valley, the Giudicarie area, the southern part of the Brenta chain and from the Paganella – Gazza massif.
At the end of April, the first bear litter of 2018 was detected and it counts 4 bear cubs, a special datum, because in general brown bears in the Central Alps give birth to 1 - 3 cubs. Litter of 4 cubs, thus, are not so common.
The updated map of all the evidences of female bears with cubs in the territory is available here: https://grandicarnivori.provincia.tn.it/Orse-con-piccoli. It is useful to remember that in case of close encounters with humans, female bears with cubs may show defensive behaviors. It is therefore essential to have a very good knowledge of the proper behaviors to keep when frequenting bear areas. Here is the new brochure about the issue, easy to download or read online:
https://grandicarnivori.provincia.tn.it/Comunicazione/Materiale-informativo/ORSO-come-comportarsi-in-caso-di-incontro-ravvicinato .
The wolves keep moving in their pack territories; their activity has been documented through camera traps, claims for damages to livestock and evidences of predations upon wild ungulates, tracks in the last snow and wolf sightings, which, in some cases were actually close encounters.
The lynx B132 was spotted again, this time in Malmarone area, within the Borgo Chiese municipality.
Photo: Renato Rizzoli. Female bear with 4 cubs in the southern Brenta mountains.