June 2018
It’s the end of the mating season for bears. They keep moving in their territory and several were the evidences of bear sightings during June, also about females with cubs, as the one with 4 cubs, seen above the town of Arco, Val di Tovo area.
During June, two cases of car collision with bears occurred, one in Vecchio Mulino area, Valle dei Laghi and the other in the Chiese Valley. In both cases the drivers had no consequences from the accident, while, from the assessments made after the collisions, it was impossible to know the conditions of the involved bears, both of which suddenly run away after the accident. This was verified within the surveys made with the bear dogs, which followed the bears olfactory traces.
On June 16th, some bear remains (only bones) were found far from Mostizzolo (between Val di Sole and Val di Non). It was not possible to identify the cause of death of the bear; anyway genetic analyses on the remains will be done to identify it. During the night between June 21st and June 22nd, female bear F20 was captured in Genova Valley and fitted with a GPS collar. She is a bear with a confident behavior towards humans.
Wolves were regularly monitored in their areas of presence (Val di Fassa, upper Val di Non, right side of the Valsugana, Mount Pasubio, Mount Carega and Lessinia). Some evidences came from the Lagorai area as well, where wolf predations upon livestock occurred, for which the monitoring and assessment activities are consistent as well as farmer assistance and prevention measures provision.

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